Arbeiten bei
Ubisoft Mainz

Mit modernsten Technologien ausgerüstete Profi-Entwickler gestalten die bekanntesten Ubisoft-Marken.

2 Jobs Found

Engine Programmer [Beyond Good And Evil 2] (f/m/d)

Mainz - Full-time - 744000046946065


As an Engine Programmer on BGE2 you will share responsibility for developing and maintaining low-level systems and overall architecture. Currently, this role has a strong focus on the topic of physics but it can branch out in other areas of engine programming too.

What you will do: 

  • Work on multiple platforms and in areas such as memory management, loading, streaming, physics and platform specific systems
  • Work as part of our feature teams, including but not limited to technical health and quality of life improvements
  • Experience in the design and implementation of various game systems
  • Work closely with other Programmers to help them achieve their Goals
  • Work with precision and care on our systems and frameworks
  • Provide the technical foundation for features
  • Maintain and extend the existing engine and frameworks, safeguarding and improving stability
  • Work on identifying and improving existing systems and identify new opportunities
  • Analyse, support and improve the performance of our features
  • Work on the architecture of our features, keeping long-term maintainability and scalability in mind
  • Work with the lead team on improving game stability and performance


What you bring:

  • Strong skills in C++
  • Good understanding of multithreaded code
  • Expertise in performance optimization techniques
  • 3+ years of professional experience (at least one released title)
  • Strong ability for analysing and extending existing code
  • Good English and communication skills
  • Self-direction and motivation
  • Ability and desire to work as a team player
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, physics, mathematics or equivalent experience is a plus
  • Practical Experience with Physics Engines is a plus
  • Practical Experience with Havok is a plus
  • Experience with Console Development and Optimization is a plus

What to send our way:

  • Your CV, highlighting your education, experience and skills 
  • A cover letter including your earliest starting date, expected salary and why you would like to join us 
  • Any relevant code/work samples you can provide are highly appreciated

Additional information

What we offer:

  • Relocation support: We offer financial support in form of a cash allowance and assistance with accommodation search and settle-in support via our relocation partner, for international candidates we offer visa assistance 
  • Ubisoft Blue Byte Academy: We offer multiple opportunities for you to discover your full potential and develop yourself in various areas. Guest speakers from the industry, workshops, and access to our training and development platform as well as to our in-house library
  • Discounted and free games: Discount on employee game orders & free Ubisoft games on Ubisoft Connect 
  • Hybrid work model: Provides the flexibility to combine working from the studio and your home within Germany
  • Monthly Mobility Budget: 80€ per month that can be used on bicycle lease, parking spot rental or public transportation ticket 
  • Up to 350€ childcare support per child per month 
  • Company Pension Scheme: We offer an attractive company pension scheme 
  • Gym subsidy: We contribute 50% (up to a maximum amount of 25€) towards the monthly cost of a gym membership of your choice 
  • English and German online lessons for free: Good to know: Our main language in the studio is English 
  • 26 days paid vacation per year 
  • Corporate Benefits web portal: Employee discount program for affiliated retailers, shops, and service providers   

Ubisoft offers the same job opportunities to all, without any distinction of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social status, disability, or age. Ubisoft ensures the development of an inclusive work environment which mirrors the diversity of our players’ community.

For further information, please check

Senior 3D Programmer [Beyond Good And Evil 2] (f/m/d)

Mainz - Full-time - 744000027602411


Beyond Good And Evil 2 is an action-adventure sci-fi RPG set in the same universe as Ubisoft’s original cult classic. You can now join our crew at Ubisoft Mainz to help us shape this amazing project with cutting edge graphics.

As a Senior 3D Programmer, your mission will be to develop and maintain graphics techniques within the engine to create the best visuals possible.

What you will do:

  • Bring console level graphics quality to new platforms
  • Optimize existing rendering technology
  • Ability to own and drive development of selected features together with a team
  • Collaborate with other Ubisoft studios to extend the capabilities of our in-house rendering technology
  • Develop rendering systems that enhance the visual quality, are scalable and fit into defined budgets
  • Establish and maintain workflows that allows the content teams to use the developed systems


What you bring:

  • Experience as a graphics programmer or similar role in at least one AAA title
  • Knowledge of a broad range of rendering algorithms, special effects and related technology
  • Knowledge of low-level graphics APIs (D3D12/Vulkan/AGC/NVN/Metal) and shading languages (HLSL/GLSL/PSSL)
  • Hands on experience with a variety of graphics profiling and debugging tools (PIX, Razor, nSight)
  • Strong skills in C/C++
  • Debugging and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to collaborate with the content teams to reach the highest possible visual quality
  • Being a team player by heart
  • Self-direction and motivation
  • Excellent communication and good English skills
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, physics, mathematics or equivalent experience will be a plus
  • Practical Experience with UI Rendering will be a plus
  • Practical Experience with Volumetric Rendering will be a plus
  • Experience with Console Development and Optimization will be a plus

    What to send our way:

  • Your CV, highlighting your education, experience, and skills
  • A cover letter including your earliest starting date, expected salary and why you would like to join us
  • Any relevant code/work samples you can provide are highly appreciated 

Additional information

Your benefits:

  • Relocation Support: We offer financial support in form of a cash allowance and assistance with accommodation search and settle-in support via our relocation partner, for international candidates we offer visa assistance 
  • Ubisoft Blue Byte Academy: We offer multiple opportunities for you to discover your full potential and develop yourself in various areas. Guest speakers from the industry, workshops and access to our training and development platform 
  • Discounted Games: Discount on employee game orders & free Ubisoft games on Ubisoft Connect 
  • Monthly Mobility Budget: 80€ per month that can be used on bicycle lease, parking spot rental or public transportation ticket 
  • Up To 350€ Childcare Support Per Child Per Month: In addition, we also offer 5 ‘care for ill children days’ per child per year 
  • Self-study And Training Hours: You have access to our in-house library 
  • Company Pension Scheme 
  • Gym Subsidy: We contribute 50% (up to a maximum amount of 25€) towards the monthly cost of a gym membership of your choice
  • Hybrid Work Model: Provides the flexibility to combine working from the studio and your home within Germany
  • 26 Days Paid Vacation Per Year: Additionally, you will get half a day off on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and approximately 11 bank holidays
  • Corporate Benefits Web Portal: With employee discount programs for affiliated retailers, shops and service providers   

For further information, please check

Unsere Arbeitskultur

Unsere Arbeitskultur

Bei uns bringen erfahrene Profis Ubisofts AAA-Spiele auf das nächste Level

Wir sind stolz auf unsere Leidenschaft und Expertise, die wir mit ausgezeichneten Co-Entwicklungen und Meilensteinen wie der der Anno-Reihe unter Beweis stellen. Falls du an Blockbustern arbeiten und von einer ausgezeichneten Work-Life-Balance profitieren möchtest, melde dich!


Hier ist eine Auswahl unserer attraktiven Mitarbeiter-Benefits.

Umzugsservice - Wir bieten euch finanzielle Unterstützung, Hilfe bei der Wohnungssuche und Eingewöhnung sowie Visa-Support.

Flexible Arbeitszeiten - Unsere Kernarbeitszeit ist von 10 bis 16 Uhr. Ihr könnt den Rest der Arbeitsstunden selbst einteilen.

Ubisoft Blue Byte Academy - Entdeckt euer Potential und bildet euch mit unserem umfassenden Lern- und Trainingsprogrammen weiter.

Mobilitäts-Budget - Euch stehen monatlich 80€ für das Leasen von Rädern, Mieten von Parkplätzen und ÖPVN-Tickets zur Verfügung.

Betriebliche Altersvorsorge - Wir bieten ein attraktives Programm zur Entgeldumwandlung - mit hohen Zuschüssen obendrauf.

Kinderbetreuungszuschuss - Wir bieten bis zu 350€ monatlich pro Kind.

Rabatt auf Games - Ihr könnt regelmäßig ausgezeichnete Ubisoft-Spiele zu tollen Rabatten bestellen.

Press Pause Sabbatical Programm - Nehmt euch ein paar Monate Zeit für euch und ladet eure Batterien auf.

Fitnesszuschuss - Wir steuern bis zu 50% zu eurer Mitgliedschaft in Fitnessstudios bei.

Sprachkurse - Wir bieten kostenlose und akkreditierte Englisch- und Deutschkurse an

Unsere Recruiter

Hallo, wir sind dein Ubisoft Mainz Recruiting Team. Wende dich vertrauensvoll an uns mit deinen Fragen zu einer Karriere in unserem Studio. Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören!

Karolina Böhm

Karolina Böhm

RECRUITMENT MANAGER, UBISOFT BLUE BYTE - Bei Ubisoft Blue Byte suchen wir nach leidenschaftlichen Individuen, ambitioniert und mit einer offenen Grundhaltung. Tritt unserer internationalen Familie bei und entwickle AAA Spiele!

Kontaktiere Karolina
Tommaso Jakob

Tommaso Jakob

RECRUITER UBISOFT MAINZ - Wir suchen nach Machern, die etwas bewirken wollen. Bring dein Talent und deine Leidenschaft ein, um die Zukunft unseres Studios mitzugestalten. Auch hilfreich: nett sein.

Kontaktiere Tommaso
Informationen zu Praktika

Informationen zu Praktika

Wir bieten vergütete Praktika für Studierende an. Die Dauer eines studienbegleitenden Praktikums beträgt sechs Monate und bindet TeilnehmerInnen unmittelbar in unsere Projektteams und Abteilungen ein. Dabei hast Du die Gelegenheit, wertvolle Berufserfahrung zu sammeln, während Du aktiv zum Erfolg unserer Projekte beiträgst. Alle offenen Praktikumsstellen findest Du in der Job-Übersicht weiter oben auf der Seite.

Bitte beachte, dass wir abgesehen von den dort ausgeschriebenen Stellen keine Initativbewerbungen zu Praktika entgegennehmen. Bitte habe zudem Verständnis dafür, dass wir keine Praktikumsangebote für SchülerInnen anbieten können.